Proudly serving America to maintain our Freedoms...

November 2024 Meeting

Monday, 11 November 2024, at 1900, Post Commander Debra McGill called to order the monthly (second Monday) meeting of William E. Dillard American Legion Post 104, Inc., at the American Legion Hall, 915 West Main St., Sylva, NC. Present were 10 post members.

Opening Ceremony

Sergeant of Arms, Andy Anderson marched the colors to the front of the room-posted them in their stand and CDR Debra McGill led the members in a hand salute. Chaplain Bill Loucks offered the opening prayer. CDR Debra McGill read the American Legion statement to honor all missing U.S. POW and MIA's. Members viewed the empty POW and MIA logo embossed black chair on display. The Commander led those present in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and the Preamble to the American Legion Constitution.

Previous Minutes

Adjutant David Seay summarized the minutes of the October 2024 meeting (available at ) which received approval by a voice vote, with Jim McGill making the motion and seconded by Bill  Loucks. The motion passed.

Executive Meeting Minutes

The executive meeting minutes from Monday, 4 November 2024, were summarized by David Seay.  Issues discussed were the upcoming Chili Cook-off at the next meeting, the visit of the National Commander on November 26th, the rescheduling of the Oratorical contest  to 11 January 2025, the participation in the Sylva Christmas parade, a donation of $500 to Wreaths Across America, the request by the Riders to send the $350 they raised to the Samaritan's Purse, the addition of $150 from the post's funds to the amount being sent to the Samaritan's Purse, the rescheduled Veterans Stand Down and the upcoming District meeting that will be hosted by our post. Chuck Sanders made a motion to accept these minutes and was seconded by Andy Anderson. The motion was passed.

Financial Report

No financial report was made due to the statements not being received from our various financial institutions.

Membership and Recruiting Report

Membership Officer David Seay gave report and there are currently 82 members, registered, who have paid their dues for 2024 – 2025 fiscal year. The 2025 dues (1 July 2024 – 30 June 2025) are now due and members can renew by mail, in person, or online.  Dues are $40.00, with the Post keeping $2.50 and the balance going to the Department of North Carolina ($14.00) and the National American Legion ($23.50). Mail payments to American Legion Post 104, at P. O. Box 104, Sylva, NC 28779.

Members can pay their annual dues on line at the National Headquarters web site . To complete this action, have your American Legion membership number and a credit card available. As you finish, you can print off a temporary membership card plus a receipt to serve as “proof of membership” until Membership Officer Seay mails or provides you a permanent card.  Dues can now be paid for multiple years at a time (on line only); Doing this will protect you from rate hikes.

Business and Announcements

·     Officer roll call: CDR Debra McGill, 1st Vice Commander Roy Burnett, Adjutant David Seay, Sergeant at Arms Andy Anderson, Chaplain Bill Loucks, Chaplain Skip Staton, Chaplain Chuck Sanders, Veterans Service Officer Howard Rohner, Parliamentarian Jim McGill, Past Commander Ed Harwood. We also had 2 guests... District CDR Robert Seibert and Doreen Castle from Post 108.

·     Jim McGill told us the Legion Riders will attend and play taps for the laying of the Wreaths at the Oldfield Cemetery on 14 December 2024.

·     Chaplain Bill Loucks spoke of the ongoing efforts related to hurricane relief.

·     There will be an oratorical contest on 11 January 2025 at 9:30 am.  The post will need participants to judge, escort, time keeper, chaperone, etc.  There is scholarship money available for contest winners. $2,500 at State level and $25,000 at the National Level. Volunteers require background checks. The following link will take you to where you can get that certification...  

·     Ed Harwood described the various events conducted recently with regards to Americanism including the flag folding demonstrations that we conducted at three local elementary schools and Skyland Care Center. He also says that we have volunteered to do a presentation at the Hermitage. Details to follow.

·     Monthly Veteran's Lunches and weekly Veteran's Coffee. The lunches will be held at a location announced prior to each lunch. The Veteran's Coffee will be held every other Friday at the Jackson County Department of Aging building.  Individuals will be responsible for paying for their own food at the lunches. Spouses are welcome. The current schedule is as follows...

o     Coffee: 15 November 2024, 29 November 2024 and 13 December 2024 from 9:30 am to 10:30 am.  The December coffee will have a $10 Secret Santa exchange.

o     Lunch: 18 December 2024 from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm at Roger Brothers in Cullowhee. RSVP 828-631-2231 if you plan to attend

·     Legion Chili Cook-Off was held as the dinner. Trophies: 1st Place - Skip Staton, 2nd Place - Bill Loucks, 3rd Place - Dave Seay. Consolation prices: 4th Place - Andy Anderson, 5th Place - Jim McGill.

·     All are encouraged to attend the district meeting on 16 November 2024. There is a meal at 12:00 noon and the meeting at 1:00 pm

·     Bill Loucks spoke about a Hot Dog benefit that will take place at Jackson Line Baptist Church Saturday, 23 November 2024 beginning ay 11:00 am. Funds raised will be for the children of incarcerated parents and single mothers.

·     Upcoming events: Vets Coffee; 15 November 2024; 16 November 2024 District Meeting held at our post; Christmas party 14 December 2025.

Funeral Details

No funerals were held in the last month.

Thoughts and Prayers / Sick Call

·     Larry and Susan Agle and his father who is dealing with heart issues.

·     Jody's son, Sydney, has esophageal and stomach cancer.

·     Ron and Janice Short, dealing with back issues

Please keep these folks and their families in your prayers.

Closing Ceremony

Chaplain Bill Loucks offered the closing prayer, CDR Debra McGill led the group in a hand salute and declared the meeting adjourned at 1955.

Respectfully presented,

David Seay, Adjutant

Sylva Post 104 Minutes...