When to Display the Flag Properly
Avoid displaying the flag during inclement weather unless it is an all-weather flag. If the flag is displayed at night, then it should be illuminated in a proper manner. The flag can be displayed on a daily basis and many people do at their home and it should also be displayed at half-mast during times of national mourning. To show one's patriotism, the flag is often displayed during all major holidays of the year.
Read about the American Flag.
Flag Ceremony...
Flag Disposal Ceremony
The Method for Disposal of an Unserviceable US Flag
Many Americans may be unaware that there is an established and honorable way to retire or dispose of any unserviceable United States Flag. Organizations such as the American Legion, Veteran's of Foreign Wars, Boy Scouts, and Girl Scouts know these procedures for disposing of the flag. When is the proper time to dispose of a flag? The US Flag Code states this, "The flag, when it is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem for display, should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning. When an American flag is worn beyond repair, it should be retired in a respectful manner."
The William E. Dillard, American Legion Post 104, holds a flag disposal ceremony each year, typically sometime around June 14, depending on the day and weather. We encourage anyone who has a flag which needs to be retired to bring it to the Legion Hall building during any of our monthly meetings (see location and time below).
Post 104 Honor Guard Presentation
The Public is Always Welcome at all Ceremonies
During one disposal ceremony, this veteran and father brought his two young sons to view a ceremony and teach them about respect for the American Flag. Post Commander Harwood and the Honor Guard was so honored by their patriotism that they were asked to be a part of the ceremony and help retire some flags. God bless America... and those who honor her heritage!